Monday, May 27, 2013

Love, Kids, Marriage, etc.: Part 3

If you havent read part 1 or 2 yet:

Read part one here.

Read part two here.

Ok, now that you're all caught up I'm going to share what I did for our one year anniversary. No, I didn't skip the wedding, I'm talking about the one year anniversary of our first date, of course. I got a little creative with this one...OK, I got a LOT creative with this one. (Sorry for the poor grammar) This is similar to what I did with the flowers in my first post, except instead of searching for flowers in random places, I gave clues on how to find gifts as well as other clues. The first thing I did was tape a DVD to the front door with a note saying:

Watch Me.

and here's what was on the DVD:

Next, April went to the refrigerator and found a wine bottle with this note attached to it:

Stop your whining and enjoy this bottle of wine, but first, go into the dining room and look under the table. You will see another envelope with a note inside attached underneath the table. Do what it says. 

In the note found under the table was a picture explaining how to use my camera to get the next clue:

(Click on the pic to get a bigger view)

When April turned on my camera and looked at the picture, this is the message she found on the screen:

Time for some adventure! Go look in the Indiana Jones box on Dan's DVD shelf.

When April checked the box that my Indiana Jones movies were in, she found a pair of earrings and the next clue:

Just like Indiana Jones, you found the treasure, but your adventure is not over.
Open up Dan's laptop.

On my laptop was this message:

Push Play

This is the video she saw:

So when April looked in Gabe's fish tank drawer, she found the next clue:

Look inside the wooden chest in the office.

Inside the wooden chest in the office was one of my severed fingers....ha, ha, just kidding. I wanted to see if you were still paying attention. What April really found was a CD with a note on it that said:

Listen to me.

When she popped it in the CD player, this is what she heard:

When April went into the bathroom and opened the shower curtain, I was standing in there with a dozen red roses. It was interesting standing in the bathtub the entire time and listening to her go throughout the house finding all the clues. What was really funny was she almost decided not to watch the DVD that was taped to the front door. She almost decided to take a shower before watching it. That would have really been awkward if she found me standing in the bathtub holding a dozen roses with absolutely no context of why I was in there. So I'm glad she decided to watch the DVD first. This was probably the most fun I've had in surprising her and I don't know if I'll ever top it, but maybe it's about time I try. Stay tuned for the next installment of "Love, Marriage, Kids, etc..."

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Valley Mosaic Podcast

Podcasts. I've been listening to them for the past five years. It's a great way to pass the time when you're working, doing chores, or driving in the car. I did a podcast once with my friends Jesse and Natalie. It never made it on iTunes. After recording the podcast I found out that there was more to podcasting than I thought. So I guess this is the best way I can share this podcast which we recorded about 4 years ago. I've broken the podcast up into 5 to 6 minute intervals. Some are longer than that, some are shorter. We basically describe what Valley Mosaic is about, we have an interview with a local artist named Jeremiah Johnson and talk about chippies. You'll have to listen to find out what chippies are. But I hope you enjoy it, here it is.

Valley Mosaic Podcast Part 1

Valley Mosaic Podcast Part 2

Valley Mosaic Podcast Part 3

Valley Mosaic Podcast Part 4

Valley Mosaic Podcast Part 5

Valley Mosaic Podcast Part 6

Valley Mosaic Podcast Part 7

Valley Mosaic Podcast Part 8

These last two audio clips are a couple bonus clips that didn't make it into the final cut of the podcast. The first one is a blooper and I need to explain something before you listen to it. Before we recorded the podcast we were talking about XXXchurch. XXXchurch is a ministry committed to helping those with porn addictions as well as helping those who feel trapped get out of the porn industry and they do so in a loving and compassionate way, not in a hate-mongering way. Anyway, I was talking to Jesse and Natalie about a show that had Ron Jeramy (a well known person in the porn industry) as a guest on the show. So with that being said, listen to the clip. The second clip is an outro that was supposed to end the show.



Jesse is currently doing a podcast with Matt Barlow called Unfolded. They've partnered with the Homebrewed Christianity Podcast Network to bring this podcast to life, and it is definitely one to listen to. The podcast contains stories and as Matt says "...the podcast that attempts to find great meaning, without necessarily committing the error of defining it." You can find it here or search iTunes with the keyword "Unfolded". Believe me when I say it's much better than the one you just listened to.