Tuesday, March 9, 2010

WWWE: I'm Going to Paris!

If you have been reading and keeping up with this blog then you're probably wondering why I'm doing another WWWE, or Work, Work, Work Edition on my blog when I've talked about all the jobs I've had. Well, I have a new one! I'll be working as a delivery driver for a uniform rental company called Paris. After almost eight months of unemployment I finally have a job again!

I did a ride along yesterday for the route I'll be taking over. We started at 5am. (The sun doesn't even get up at 5am) We loaded uniforms, floor mats, shop towels, and a few other things into the truck. We traveled to about 20 different locations to make deliveries and to pick up uniforms, mats, and towels to be washed. It's a very physical job, and that's something I appreciate. If I don't have to spend my spare time in a fitness center because my job helps me get in shape, that's a bonus! Plus I'm tired of sit-down jobs. I worked an office job for almost two years, and I don't know if you've seen the movie Office Space, but it may as well be a documentary because a lot of what happens in that movie is true.

Today I went in for my drug test which I'm 99.999% sure I'll pass that one. They also have to check my driving background which I'm not worried about either. Haven't had a speeding ticket in over 5 years. God bless cruise control. Next Monday, I have to drive about two hours west of here to a town called Dubois for my orientation/training. I'll get to stay over night in a hotel and then finish up orientation on Tuesday. I'll start on Wednesday. I'll receive about three weeks of training and then I'm on my own.

This job has great benefits and it's quite a bit more money than my last job, plus I get commission. Out of all the jobs I've applied for and all the interviews I've had, this is probably the best one. Many times during my unemployment when I would get turned down for a job or not even get an interview I started questioning God, like I usually do in such a situation. With the wedding getting closer and closer and no way to pay for it I started asking God why I didn't have a job yet.

Sometimes I like to say that God is the God of close calls because so many of the things I pray for seem to happen at the last minute. But perhaps God isn't the God of close calls, perhaps he's the God of perfect timing.

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