Fortunately, my friends Jesse and Natalie live close by. So Gabe and I walked to their house. Natalie opened the door after just waking up and offered us a ride to Gabe's preschool. As we neared the pre-school, I came to the realization that I left Gabe's backpack in my car which contained the money and permission slip for the field trip...AHHHHHHH!
Fortunately, Gabe's teacher allowed me to write a permission slip for him there and sign it and she said we could get the money to her later. Natalie took me back to my car and we tried jumping the battery. After a half-hour and many tries later the car just...would...not...turn...over...AHHHHHHH!
Fortunately, Natalie offered to give me a ride to Paris Uniforms so I could get my drug test done. She kept telling me to look on the bright side because she must have sensed I was getting a little stressed by now. She said "Look on the bright side, at least you don't have to get a pacemaker." (I was actually referred to a cardiologist about getting a pace maker at one time, I mentioned it in this post.) We arrived at my destination and I told her that she didn't have to wait for me since I didn't know how long I was going to be there. I went in and I was only there for about ten minutes, and I didn't have a ride home...AHHHHHHH!
Fortunately, I gave my friend Gary a call. He just happened to be working nearby and he was on his break. He picked me up in one of those little 4x4 utility vehicles which looked a little like this:

...except it was green. He drove me to where he parked his Bronco and let me borrow it. He told me a few good places to get a car battery. So I went and got the battery, took the old battery out of my car and put the new one in. I had never replaced a car battery before so all I could do was pray I was doing it right. After I finished I sat in the driver seat, closed my eyes, said a little prayer, and turned the key...AHHHHHHH!...I mean...VROOOOOOOM! It started!
So that was my crazy day. I think we need days like this once in awhile, but not too frequently. And did you notice, for every "AHHHHHHH!", there was a "Fortunately" in this story. I feel blessed to have some great friends that God has placed in my life. Tuesday would have been rough without them.