If you didn't read last Friday's post, go back and read it here. This will be a continuation of last week's post. There is a convention called ICRS (International Christian Retail Show) held every year. Personally I think if Jesus went to one of these shows he'd be flipping tables left and right. A lot of this junk is created just to make a buck or two off God. So anyway, here's more Jesus Junk:
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For best results, use holy water
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What happens when the batteries start to die and Jesus's voice gets really low? That would be a little scary. Plus what the heck does p&h stand for? Don't tell me it stands for prayer and handling.
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I can't even begin to explain how wrong this is. By the way, did Answer Me Jesus get stuck in a load of white laundry with a red sock or something?
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This just gave me a great idea! I'll make floaties that have Matthew 14:22-34 written on them! I'll be rich, ha ha ha!
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Communion gets a little messy in there. Forget about passing the offering plate.
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Baby Jesus just let me know my SpagettiOs are ready
After looking up all of this stuff I found a few more items that made me say "What the crap?!"

Is he playing keep away?

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