Ahem...anyway, I started this blog to entertain others who read it, but I've also come to find out that blogging is a good way to take memories and thoughts and put them here so I don't forget them (I guess that's what a blog is for, duh). Sometimes I think of something and then I'll forget it later, so this really helps.
I want the readers of this blog to interact with it. I want comments, constructive criticisms, your thoughts and ideas. I'm hoping to make this blog your blog too. That's why I've set up an e-mail account just for this blog. E-mail me at blogityblog@gmail.com, I've left out the blahs' so you don't have to type so much. Write your own blog post and e-mail it to me. Do you know someone who inspires you, do you have a story, an artist or art form you enjoy, a deep thought, or something funny? Send it to me and I'll make it into a blog post. I'll become the Andy Warhol of the blogging world, I'll just have everyone else do the work for me. Just kidding, you will definitely get the credit for any blog posts you send me.
I want to give some shout outs to some people that I know have been reading this blog: my girlfriend April, Jesse, and Matt (Plural Form rocks!). Some of my friends over at Nobody's Listening, concertpianist, SamyxCracker, MotherUnit, and HatchettMom. Some of the other blogs I enjoy reading and bloggers who have inspired me to write this blog, Jon Acuff (Stuff Christians Like), Jen (Cake Wrecks), Stacy (Stacy from Louisville), and Jason Boyett (Jason Boyett: author of the Pocket Guides). And one more shout out to the podcast, Chicken Pop Pod for allowing me to take an audio clip from one of their podcasts so I could play it below.
I'll give a little background on the clip before you play it. Chicken Pop Pod usually has a segment on their show called "Aw, I Freakin' Remember That" (AIFRT) in which fans of the show can e-mail or call in with something they remember preferrably from the 80's, such as a toy, TV show, or a breakfast cereal and try to stump the hosts of the show. So go ahead and listen to the clip now.
Below is a picture of what I was talking about:

Okay, let's get started with July!
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